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Tippd 2.2 – Release Notes

Email Login – Users can now register with only an Email address, no social accounts required.

Offline Player Management – If enabled in game settings, Admin can add offline players and manually submit their tips.

Admin can also Modify tips for either All, Offline Players Only or No one depending on the Game Settings set for the game.

New Game Settings – Added a new game setting which when enabled, allows the Admin to modify tips for players. Either all players or only offline players.

Admin Can Manage Tips:

  • No – Admin cannot modify any players tips (other than their own).
  • Only Offline Players – Admin can only modify Offline player tips of players that were added to the game manually by the Admin.
  • All Players – Admin can modify any players tips.

NOTE: If a game is set to not allow Players to modify tips after submission, this also applies to the Admin when applying Offline Player tips so it’s important for the Admin to double check the selections before submitting. 

Login Method Hints – The Admin can now see which Login method was used for each Account to assist with any Sign In issues.

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