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Tippd 2.1 Troubleshooting

Tippd 2.1 has been released with a number of updates , new features and bug fixes.

Reminder that your Tippd account is linked directly to your sign in method.  If you cannot see games that you are a part of, please sign out and sign in with the original method you used to sign up. E.g. if you cannot see your games whilst logged in with Google, please sign  out and try again with Facebook or vice versa.

  • Apple Sign In was added due to some App Store requirements – you are free to use this but it will create a new account.
  • If you had previously joined a Tippd Game prior to this release, then the Game will be tied to either your Google or Facebook sign in (not your Apple account)

A small number of users have indicated they are having issues using Facebook sign in, we have not been able to reproduce this issue but below is a few steps that can be tried:

  • Method 1: Try and Remove the Tippd App from your Facebook account:
    • Click your profile picture in the top right of Facebook.
    • Select Settings & privacy, then click Settings.
    • Click Apps and Websites in the left side menu.
    • Go to the app or game you want to remove, then next to the name of the app or game, click Remove.
    • Click Remove again to confirm.
    • Once this is complete, try and Login again from a fresh install of the Tippd App
  • Method 2: Uninstall Tippd and re-install the app from the App Store/Play Store
  • Method 3: Ensure you have the latest version of Facebook app installed on your device (If you have it installed) – and ensure you’re logged into the same Account that you use for Tippd.
  • Method 4: Try using the web version of the app at  (Note if you already have the app installed it may try to open it, so you could try this on a Computer or uninstall the Tippd mobile app and then try the web version.
  • Method 5: Try use the legacy version of Tippd which is located at – this is the old version of the app, but only accessible via the web.

If you are still having issues and are unable to get Tips in before the cut-off , please make sure to get your tips to your game admin and they can submit them to us prior to kick off via – please be sure to include the game URL and usernames selections.

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